


Have you ever started at your blog and clicked on the "Next Blog" button to see who Blogger thinks you are similar to?  I just did, and boy did it put me in my place.  I am, frankly, frightened at my and my neighbors' insignificance.  I guess it was good--to keep it humble.  But I don't think I am going to try that again for awhile.

On a completely different note, I just renewed my anger of the gun control laws, by the simple method described as follows: 

1) Go to school in a state that is far away from your home state.
2) Go to any sporting goods store; in some cases even your local friendly big box store of doom.  Anything that sells firearms will do.
3) Look at said firearms.
4) Realize that it is illegal to purchase said firearms.
5) Think to yourself (this is the hard part, the thinking) "So... it is illegal to buy guns here... but not there." 
5) Do your best Captain Reynolds "Huh."

A firm sense of acceptance is needed.  I can shoot the guns I already own here.  I can buy ammo here.  I can't afford another gun anyway.


...stupid arbitrary gun laws.

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