

Is it a Week of Memes?

Another meme, now from MacBourne.  Political Quizzes!

The "conservative quiz"
Quiz: What Kind of Conservative Are You?

My Conservative Identity:

You are a Free Marketeer, also known as a fiscal conservative. You believe in free-market capitalism, tax cuts, and protecting your hard-earned cash from pick-pocketing liberal socialists.

Take the quiz at Political Humor

Okay, I somewhat expected that.

With trepidation, I took the "liberal quiz" too:
Quiz: What Kind of Liberal Are You?

My Liberal Identity

You are a Working Class Warrior, also known as a blue-collar Democrat. You believe that the little guy is getting screwed by conservative greed-mongers and corporate criminals, and you’re not going to take it anymore.

Take the quiz at Political Humor

Whew! The best worst choice. Of course, you know that if it had been "Tree Hugger, likes to kill babies to offset carbon" I wouldn't have put it on my blog...

FYI, I have so far managed to avoid the one that tells you who you write like.

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