

A Few of My Favorite Things: Everyday Carry

Now some people go for the big brick-like things, the ones that can do almost everything.  Some people use the ones that are easy to carry, that you can have in your pocket all the time and not even notice.  What follows is my choice for everyday carry;  I realize that there are different philosophies, and that what is a good choice for one is bad for another. What is it?



I carry around a Casio fx-115 ES calculator every day.  I actually own a couple of them--and between my roommate, neighbors, and me there are 5 in this duplex.  It is an amazing little thing--it can do simple calculus (within bounds), has an equation solver (for up to 3rd order equations), can do complex numbers very easily (good for electrical engineering classes), has a "natural display" for easier viewing, and, best of all, it is non-programmable and so legal on the eight-hour Fundamentals of Engineering Exam (covers everything since kindergarten!) that I have to take next month.

It's beat up--I've been using it since sophomore year.  It sure can't do all the stuff that my TI-83 can do--let alone one of them newfangled TI-89's.  Some of the controls are weird.  But it is what I like, what I am used to, and what I am good with.  It is this engineer's everyday carry of choice!

Oh, and happy April 1st!

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