

The World Tree

Alternate title: Playing with my food.

What was on the plate was lasagna (made with my brother's homemade ricotta cheese) and some pickled beets picked this morning from the garden.

Then I started messing around.


Butch Cassidy said...

Cornmeal-coated, pan-fried fresh trout over here. Didn't have time to play, though. The girl had a meltdown over something silly that lasted a good while.

Oh, dill pickled green beans for a veggie. Fresh berry pie for dessert.

bluesun said...

Mmmmmm... Pie...

BobG said...

If you'd done one of Jesus, you could have sold it on eBay.

bluesun said...

I bet there are enough kooky new agers out there to have interest in a world tree...