

Ah, the glamor.

So today, as a rocket scientist (ten bucks an hour, baby!) I shoveled snow. Then I chipped ice. Then I spread some sand. I then untangled some wire, retangled some wire, untangled some more wire, retangled some more wire, untangled some more wire, retangled some more wire, took some wire from one test and tangled it up, then moved it to another test and untangled it. I discovered that I hate that type of wire. I played errand boy and ran into town to pick up some packages and some drinks, then I went searching for some AA batteries. Then I was told that AA's won't work, so I went searching for some AAA batteries. Then I unhooked some actuators and hooked up some other actuators. I looked up a manufacturer's phone number. I went searching for a female hose end and kluged a fitting onto it. And it sounds like they'll need me again tomorrow.

I bet you thought that rocket science was all about fire, didn't you?

Oh, but at least I discovered that I get reimbursed mileage for all of the trips into town I do, so that's nice.


Butch Cassidy said...

In all honesty, I'd have expected you to have spent more time cleaning fittings. I would guess that the things have to be kept anal-retentively clean to work right.

bluesun said...

You know, really not. There are a few parts and areas that people working on need to wear rubber gloves, but for the most part, it's just regular pipes and hoses. I have a suspicion that if it ever gets to launch vehicle stage, there will be more things to worry about, but at this initial stage it doesn't seem to be an issue.