

What the

In the newspaper this morning there was an article about the falling oil prices (under $100 again).  They said that one reason they were falling was because "there were no terrorist repercussions after the killing of Osama Bin Laden."

...Huh?  It's only been 6 days, and the speculators have declared that there will be no repercussions?  My friends, if you think that just because one guy was shot and killed it means the beginning of a new age of peace and prosperity, well, you've got another thing comin'.


KurtP said...

I'll enjoy a little lower gas prices -whenever they get here -while they last.

Another reason they said for the lower prices was that rising unemployment and lack of growth coming down the pike.

bluesun said...

I'm pretty sure that gas prices, oil prices, and supply and demand are all pretty much disconnected.