

Oberon Design Kindle cases--don' no whut tuh say abot that...

Whilst perusing the interwebz to see possible cases for my kindle 3, I came upon what I can only say is the most overkill solution for carrying a kindle around: the Oberon Design kindle case. It is overkill in it's style. It is overkill in it's protection. It is overkill in it's price.

...and I kinda want one.

Added: Been looking around at my options for a case for the kindle. AAARRGHHH!!! Why is it that it seems that nearly every company that makes cases for these things are "environmentally conscious" and "donates to buy land that is environmentally threatened" and makes the case out of "hemp and spun gypsy monkey turds?" Is there some sort of a prerequisite that I missed somewhere, that to own an e-reader you have to be a concerned hippie, who's sole motivation for buying one is to prevent trees from being hurt? Is there no room in the demographic for an conservative-minded engineer who simply appreciates neat technology (and books that are out of copyright)?

...That's it. I'm quitting this whole school thing to make kindle cases, and on my company literature I will say that I go out and kill each animal that I use for the leather myself and I eat the meat, too. That I try to use as much cheap sweatshop labor as possible to keep the prices down. That I deliver the finished product to the shipping store in my specially modified F-650 that actually runs off the blood of baby elephants...

...a herd of which I keep behind the shop (along with the cattle and some crocodiles), and who supplies the leather for my "premium supple baby elephant leather" model of case.

In short, I want to be in charge of a company that makes Al Gore cry in his sleep.


Nancy R. said...

I've got a Oberon checkbook cover, and I've had it six years. It bangs around in my purse and there's not even a scratch on the leather. I'm glad I really, really like it, because it's going to last FOREVER.

Nancy R. said...

And I think my checkbook cover cost around $30, so camparatively speaking, I think the Kindle cover is reasonably priced. Except for the fact that your Kindle will be obsolete before the cover achieves that patina they're talking about.

bluesun said...

Hmmm... my birthday is coming up. When I showed this to my mother she said "Hey I was looking for something to get you for your birthday!" So I just went from "wow, those are cool but I don't think I would ever get one," to "hmmm... which one would I want?"

I wonder if they would make holsters?

LSP said...

Hmmm... holsters. Useful.

bluesun said...

And sometimes beautiful. I don't think I've ever seen one that had the tooled leather quite as good looking as those Oberon ones do.

Alan said...

Forget the case, I want that truck.

bluesun said...

I actually think that truck is Shaq's. Talk to him about it.

Cybrludite said...

I'm with LSP. I want a holster made to that sort of quality for my barbecue gun.

VW: mensh "From what I hear, Bluesun is quite the mensh."