

Cat names

Talking to my brother about cat names:

Bro: What about Shub-Nigurrath?
Me: I don't want any unspeakable names
Bro: That's ok, naming a cat after an eldritch horror probably isn't a good idea anyways...
Me: Yes
Bro: Yes indeed

By the way, in case you couldn't figure it out, it appears my barn cat plan will be coming to fruition sometime soon. Whether or not the plan results in fewer mice or just coyote bait remains to be seen...

And by the way again, I am leaning now towards "Lever," "Beastie," or "Fractal."


Anonymous said...

Fractal. That's my vote.

Anonymous said...


bluesun said...

I'm leaning that way as well

Borepatch said...

Shub-Nigurrath is the ultimate cat name.

bluesun said...

I suppose you need to be insane to get along with cats anyway...

Weer'd Beard said...

Fractal strikes me as an ideal cat name.

Plus all pet names are mutable.

My Friend had a cat named "Frisky" which I guess was aplicable when she was a kitten.

We just called her "Meatloaf"