

Old Verse of the Moment: Chumbawamba, "I Want More!"

It's been down there for most of the summer, and I finally felt like getting a new one.

But here's the old one, saved for posterity.

Chumbawumba, "I Want More!"
This is Tearoom England
They'll kick your face in
Oh so nicely

I want more!
--No hurry
--So sorry
I want more!
--Don't worry

I want more!
--No hurry
--So sorry
I want more!
--Don't worry
Sung as a counterpoint, that is, the "More" from one singer and the "--" parts from another.  This gives the impression of some sort of argument, where one side is demanding more and the other is trying to placate them. 

I can look at this song as the current leaders and their ilk calling us to give in just a little bit more.  See Lawdog's cake story, at the bottom of the link.  They are doing it for our own good, don't you know!  ...Tyranny with a smile.

I prefer to look at it as a cry to arms.  I want more.  I want my rights to be supported.  I want my government to be able to add and subtract.  I want my power back from the endless acronymed bureaucracies that are trying to regulate the minutia of our lives. 

It's weird, the thoughts that a british Anarcho-Punk band can get me thinking.

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