

Civic Duty Fulfilled

It was a criminal trial, with a jury of 12. I didn't get selected; I didn't even get to go up to be questioned.  Out of 70-some-odd people, only about 14 of us didn't get to go up--they were burning through their options! It seemed like most of the people up there were intelligent, informed Americans, from all sorts of backgrounds, and it made me happy to hear, even though I still had to sit around all day and listen to everything.  I found the whole experience very interesting--even if for just being able to see a lawyer in the wild (they seemed to be as advertised by thousands of jokes).  And I got through half of my book.

It still seemed wrong that I had to be completely englandized (stripped of guns, knives, and tools) to participate in something that I am obligated to do as a civic duty.  As Quizikle said in the comments yesterday:  "Criminals have rights.  You don't."


Butch Cassidy said...

I haven't been in the secured area of a courthouse since middle-school. I'm pretty sure that the guards would be...interested should I ever need to go into one and empty my pockets at the lock box these days.

I'd personally pick The Long, Dark Tea-Time Of The Soul for reading material.

kx59 said...

The loiyas probably screened security video of you being disarmed as you entered the courthouse.
You were hosed the second you walked in.

bluesun said...

Nah, it was really that the random computer selector doesn't like me enough.