

Squirrel Attack!

Well, a bunch of squirrels have set up shop in the neighborhood, and at least one of them has been gnawing on random produce in the garden and digging under the foundations of the sheds out back. This of course meant... TIME TO SET UP THE TRAP!

The trap was tripped yesterday, but nothing was caught, so I reset it, this time baiting it with leftover backed beans, which must have been just what the Dr. ordered because there was a dead squirrel waiting for me when I got home from work. They must go into a panic attack and give themselves a heart attack when they're trapped. Which is nice from my end of things, don't have to find a gun or anything.

So now the Dead Varmint Count for the summer stands at 5 skunks, 5 raccoons, and 2 squirrels.

Added: I was just going out the door, and I saw another one! Why o why don't I carry my 10/22 around with me?

Added added: Trap reset with peanut butter on eggplant. Maybe I can get 2 in one day!


doubletrouble said...

Which is why I do carry my lil' P22 around here all day.

kx59 said...

or you could just get a couple of yard cats. They'll keep all the varmints away. I recommend Siamese. years ago, ours used to pull squirrels out of trees and bring copperheads home, still partly alive to lay at your feet for your praise.

bluesun said...

DT: funnily enough, I was just thinking about that polymer framed 22 mousegun taurus makes this afternoon. Much easier to carry around than the buckmark...

kx: I keep asking my mom if she wants wants a cat but she keeps making excuses by way of my allergies...

Southern Belle said...

Keep the cats outside, allergies are no problem.

bluesun said...

THAT'S what I keep SAYING!