

Life coming in

Got my first student loan bill yesterday. Whee. I have hardly any debt, especially since after my dad died we dropped mightily in income brackets and I got a couple more scholarships for it (which still makes me a little bit angry).

So, anyway, it's not bad, but it's still there.  I wish my job that I have now was more permanent...


Guffaw in AZ said...

Welcome to the club!
I got notification of my Medicare premium, yesterday.
It's 9% of my poverty-level disability award.
And, I still must come up with co-pays.
'free' my a$$

KurtP said...

I told you where jobs are. they're kinda sucky- but they do pay....

bluesun said...

As long as I have this job (which I'm not sure how long that will be... things may be picking up) I'm not going to worry.