It was a really bad Monday for the Skunk family. The neighbor caught one too. After it ate his pet chicken. The one I got was maybe only half as big as his, which leads me to believe that there are more of the family in the neighborhood. And man, this recent batch of chickens has had the worst misfortune...
Now, I wonder if I should call in to work to warn my boss about my smell, or if I should surprise him...
How'd you take care of them after you caught them, and did they spray?
Dug a hole, shot the skunk with the buckmark 22, and buried it. He didn't spray, but when they die they do release some of the stank. Yellow nasty stuff. The smell gets everywhere, even if it isn't as strong as if you'd been blasted. I'm still tasting it after two hours and a shower...
Splash them with a bit of something acidic; lemon juice or plain old vinegar can help counteract it.
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