

Friday 13th

So far today I have already had to restart my computer 5 times trying to get my antivirus re-installed. It seems to be working fine for now... hopefully the malignant aura of today has worn off, or whatever. Also, hopefully you don't have any problems at all!


Butch Cassidy said...

The kids are refusing to cooperate with anything, but other than that, it is a fine day.

I even managed to load some 30-06 for the Grand without any issues and prep some 303 brass for loading tomorrow. Ten hours left in the day, however.

Butch Cassidy said...

Disregard, my calipers just got trashed. Shock-proof my butt.

bluesun said...

Rats. I think I saw some on sale at Midway the other day...

doubletrouble said...

Butch- check out Harbor Freight in Amherst (or online). Their cals are made in China, but so are most of the ones you can buy @ Midway, Graf, etc.
I have a couple pair for ~10 years; so far, so good.